Show: Class

Creates an interface to an bi-color LED. This interface is for the type of bi-color LED with 3 legs. One leg is connected to power or ground (depending on the type of LED - common anode or common cathode) and the other 2 legs are connected to PWM pins on the I/O board. See Breakout/examples/schematics.pdf for wiring diagrams. See Breakout/examples/actuators/bi_color_led.html for an example application.

COMMON_ANODE vs COMMON_CATHODE. You can determine if your LED is common anode or common cathode by reading the datasheet. To wire a common cathode LED, connect the cathode to ground and the 2 anode pins to the IOBoard PWM pins via resistors. For a common anode LED, the anode is connected to power and the 2 cathode pins are connected to the IOBoard PWM pins via two resistors.


  • board
  • color1LEDPin
  • color2LEDPin
  • driveMode


  • board IOBoard

    A reference to the IOBoard instance that the LED is attached to.

  • color1LEDPin Pin

    A reference to the IOBoard Pin the first color LED pin is connected to.

  • color2LEDPin Pin

    A reference to the IOBoard Pin the second color LED pin is connected to.

  • driveMode Number

    The drive mode of the LED. Must be set to BiColorLED.COMMON_ANODE or BiColorLED.COMMON_CATHODE. BiColorLED.COMMON_ANODE is default.

Item Index



  • time

Fade in the bi-color LED from the off state.


  • time Number

    The time of the fade (in milliseconds)


  • time

Fade out the bi-color LED from the on state.


  • time Number

    The time of the fade (in milliseconds)


  • color1
  • color2
  • time

Fade from the current color to the new color.


  • color1 Number

    The value of the first color to fade to (0 - 255)

  • color2 Number

    The value of the second color to fade to (0 - 255)

  • time Number

    The time of the fade (in milliseconds)


  • color1
  • color2

Set the bi-color LED color.


  • color1 Number

    The value (0 - 255) of the first color

  • color2 Number

    The value (0 - 255) of the second color



Unknown static


Unknown static