
File: src/core/IOBoard.js

 * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Jeff Hoefs <>
 * Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.


BO.IOBoard = (function() {

  var IOBoard;

  // Private static constants:

  // Message command bytes (128-255/0x80-0xFF)
  var DIGITAL_MESSAGE = 0x90,
    SET_PIN_MODE = 0xF4,
    SET_PIN_VALUE = 0xF5,
    START_SYSEX = 0xF0,
    END_SYSEX = 0xF7;

  // Extended command set using sysex (0-127/0x00-0x7F)
    SERVO_CONFIG = 0x70,
    STRING_DATA = 0x71,

    MULTI_CLIENT = "multiClient";

  // Dependencies
  var Pin = BO.Pin,
    EventDispatcher = JSUTILS.EventDispatcher,
    PinEvent = BO.PinEvent,
    IOBoardEvent = BO.IOBoardEvent;

   * Creates an interface to the I/O board. The IOBoard object brokers
   * the communication between your application and the physical I/O board.
   * Currently you can only connect to a single I/O board per computer.
   * However you could connect to multiple I/O boards if they are attached to
   * multiple computers on your network. In that case you would create a
   * separate IOBoard instance for each board you are connecting to in your
   * network.
   * @class IOBoard
   * @constructor
   * @uses JSUTILS.EventDispatcher
   * @param {String} host The host address of the web server.
   * @param {Number} port The port to connect to on the web server.
   * Default = false.
   * @param {String} protocol [optional] The websockt protocol definition
   * (if necessary).
  IOBoard = function(host, port, protocol) {
    "use strict"; = "IOBoard";

    // Private properties
    this._inputDataBuffer = [];
    this._digitalPort = [];
    this._numPorts = 0;
    this._numDigitialIOPins = 0;
    this._analogPinMapping = [];
    this._digitalPinMapping = [];
    this._i2cPins = [];
    this._ioPins = [];
    this._totalPins = 0;
    this._totalAnalogPins = 0;
    this._samplingInterval = 19; // Default sampling interval
    this._isReady = false;
    this._firmwareName = "";
    this._firmwareVersion = 0;
    this._protocolVersion = 0;
    this._isMultiClientEnabled = false;
    this._isConfigured = false;
    this._capabilityQueryResponseReceived = false;
    this._debugMode = BO.enableDebugging;
    this._numPinStateRequests = 0;
    this._boardCapabilities = Object.create(null);

    this._evtDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(this);

    // bind event handlers to this
    this.initialVersionResultHandler = this.onInitialVersionResult.bind(this);
    this.sendOutHandler = this.sendOut.bind(this);
    this.socketConnectionHandler = this.onSocketConnection.bind(this);
    this.socketMessageHandler = this.onSocketMessage.bind(this);
    this.socketClosedHandler = this.onSocketClosed.bind(this);

    this._socket = new BO.WSocketWrapper(host, port, protocol);
    this._socket.addEventListener(BO.WSocketEvent.CONNECTED, this.socketConnectionHandler);
    this._socket.addEventListener(BO.WSocketEvent.MESSAGE, this.socketMessageHandler);
    this._socket.addEventListener(BO.WSocketEvent.CLOSE, this.socketClosedHandler);


  IOBoard.prototype = {

    constructor: IOBoard,

    // Private methods:

     * A websocket connection has been established.
     * @private
     * @method onSocketConnection
    onSocketConnection: function(event) {
      this.debug("debug: Socket Status: (open)");
      this.dispatchEvent(new IOBoardEvent(IOBoardEvent.CONNECTED));

     * A websocket message has been received.
     * @param {Object} event The message property is an array of one or
     * more stringified bytes from the board or a config string from
     * the server.
     * @private
     * @method onSocketMessage
    onSocketMessage: function(event) {
      var message = event.message,
        data = [],

      if (typeof message === "string") {
        data = message.split(",");
      } else {
        data = message;

      len = data.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {

     * Determine if the incoming data is a config message or a byte.
     * @param {String} data A string representing a config message or
     * an 8-bit unsigned integer.
     * @private
     * @method parseInputMessage
    parseInputMessage: function(data) {
      var pattern = /config/,
        message = "";

      // Check for config messages from the server
      if (data.match && data.match(pattern)) {
        // to do: update servers to send a JSON string
        // then parse the string here
        message = data.substr(data.indexOf(':') + 2);
      } else {
        // We have data from the IOBoard
        this.processInput(parseInt(data, 10));

     * Report that the websocket connection has been closed.
     * @private
     * @method onSocketClosed
    onSocketClosed: function(event) {
      this.debug("debug: Socket Status: " + this._socket.readyState + " (Closed)");
      this.dispatchEvent(new IOBoardEvent(IOBoardEvent.DISCONNECTED));

     * Request the firmware version from the IOBoard.
     * @private
     * @method begin
    begin: function() {
      this.addEventListener(IOBoardEvent.FIRMWARE_VERSION, this.initialVersionResultHandler);

     * On startup, Firmata reports its version. Make sure the version is
     * 2.3 or greater before proceeding. If the Firmata version is < 2.3
     * report this to the user (to do: throw appropriate error?).
     * @private
     * @method onInitialVersionResult
    onInitialVersionResult: function(event) {
      var version = event.version * 10,
        name =,
        self = this;

      this.removeEventListener(IOBoardEvent.FIRMWARE_VERSION, this.initialVersionResultHandler);

      this.debug("debug: Firmware name = " + name + ", Firmware version = " + event.version);

      // Make sure the user has uploaded a version of Firmata implementing protocol version
      // 2.3.0 or higher
      if (this._protocolVersion >= 23) {

        if (!this._isMultiClientEnabled) {
          // reset IOBoard to its default state

          // Delay to allow systemReset function to execute in StandardFirmata
          setTimeout(function() {
          }, 200);
        } else {

      } else {
        var err = "error: You must upload StandardFirmata version 2.3 or greater from Arduino version 1.0 or higher";

     * Check if a capability response was received. If not, assume that
     * a custom sketch was loaded to the IOBoard and fire a READY event.
     * @private
     * @method checkForQueryResponse
    checkForQueryResponse: function() {
      var self = this;

      // If after 200ms a capability query response is not received,
      // assume that the user is running a custom sketch that does
      // not implement a capability query response.

      // 200ms is sufficient for an Arduino Mega (current longest
      // response time). Need to revisit when Arduino Due support is
      // added to Firmata.
      setTimeout(function() {
        if (self._capabilityQueryResponseReceived === false) {
      }, 200);

     * Process a status message from the websocket server
     * @private
     * @method processStatusMessage
    processStatusMessage: function(message) {
      if (message === MULTI_CLIENT) {
        this.debug("debug: Multi-client mode enabled");
        this._isMultiClientEnabled = true;

     * Process input data from the IOBoard.
     * @param {Number} inputData Number as an 8-bit unsigned integer
     * @private
     * @method processInput
    processInput: function(inputData) {
      var len;

      len = this._inputDataBuffer.length;

      if (this._inputDataBuffer[0] >= 128 && this._inputDataBuffer[0] != START_SYSEX) {
        if (len === 3) {
          // Clear buffer
          this._inputDataBuffer = [];
      } else if (this._inputDataBuffer[0] === START_SYSEX && this._inputDataBuffer[len - 1] === END_SYSEX) {
        // Clear buffer
        this._inputDataBuffer = [];
      } else if (inputData >= 128 && this._inputDataBuffer[0] < 128) {
        // If for some reason we got a new command and there is already data
        // in the buffer, reset the buffer
        console.log("warning: Malformed input data... resetting buffer");
        this._inputDataBuffer = [];
        if (inputData !== END_SYSEX) {

     * Incoming data is either multibyte or sysex. Route multibyte
     * data to the appropriate method.
     * @private
     * @method processMultiByteCommand
    processMultiByteCommand: function(commandData) {
      var command = commandData[0],

      if (command < 0xF0) {
        command = command & 0xF0;
        channel = commandData[0] & 0x0F;

      switch (command) {
        case DIGITAL_MESSAGE:
          this.processDigitalMessage(channel, commandData[1], commandData[2]); //(LSB, MSB)
        case REPORT_VERSION:
          this._protocolVersion = commandData[2] + commandData[1] * 10;
          this.dispatchEvent(new IOBoardEvent(IOBoardEvent.PROTOCOL_VERSION), {
            version: this._protocolVersion
        case ANALOG_MESSAGE:
          this.processAnalogMessage(channel, commandData[1], commandData[2]);

     * Processing incoming digital data. Parse the port number and value
     * to determine if any digital input data has changed. Dispatch an
     * event if the value has changed.
     * @param {Number} port Digital data is sent per port. This does not
     * align with the concept of a microcontroller port, but is a
     * collection of 8 pins on the microcontroller.
     * @param {Number} bits0_6 Bits 0 - 6 of the port value.
     * @param {Number} bits7_13 Bits 7 - 13 of the port value.
     * @private
     * @method processDigitalMessage
    processDigitalMessage: function(port, bits0_6, bits7_13) {
      var offset = port * 8,
        lastPin = offset + 8,
        portVal = bits0_6 | (bits7_13 << 7),
        pin = {};

      if (lastPin >= this._totalPins) {
        lastPin = this._totalPins;

      var j = 0;
      for (var i = offset; i < lastPin; i++) {
        pin = this.getDigitalPin(i);
        // Ignore data send on Firmata startup
        if (pin === undefined) {

        if (pin.getType() === Pin.DIN || pin.getType() === Pin.INPUT_PULLUP) {
          pinVal = (portVal >> j) & 0x01;
          if (pinVal != pin.value) {
            pin.value = pinVal;
            this.dispatchEvent(new IOBoardEvent(IOBoardEvent.DIGITAL_DATA), {
              pin: pin

     * Process incoming analog data. The value is mapped from
     * 0 - pin.analogReadResolution to a floating point value between
     * 0.0 - 1.0.
     * @private
     * @method processAnalogMessage
    processAnalogMessage: function(channel, bits0_6, bits7_13) {
      var analogPin = this.getAnalogPin(channel);

      // NOTE: Is there a better way to handle this? This issue is on
      // browser refresh the IOBoard board is still sending analog data
      // if analog reporting was set before the refresh. Analog reporting
      // won't be disabled by systemReset systemReset() is called. There
      // is not a way to call that method fast enough so the following
      // code is needed. An alternative would be to set a flag that
      // prevents critical operations before systemReset has completed.
      if (analogPin === undefined) {

      // scale according to the analog read resolution set for the pin
      analogPin.value = this.getValueFromTwo7bitBytes(bits0_6, bits7_13) / analogPin.analogReadResolution;
      if (analogPin.value != analogPin.lastValue) {
        this.dispatchEvent(new IOBoardEvent(IOBoardEvent.ANALOG_DATA), {
          pin: analogPin

     * Route the incoming sysex data to the appropriate method.
     * @private
     * @method processSysexCommand
    processSysexCommand: function(sysexData) {
      // Remove the first and last element from the array
      // since these are the START_SYSEX and END_SYSEX

      var command = sysexData[0];
      switch (command) {
        case REPORT_FIRMWARE:
        case STRING_DATA:
        case PIN_STATE_RESPONSE:
          // Custom sysEx message
          this.dispatchEvent(new IOBoardEvent(IOBoardEvent.SYSEX_MESSAGE), {
            message: sysexData

     * Construct the firmware name and version from incoming ascii data.
     * @private
     * @method processQueryFirmwareResult
    processQueryFirmwareResult: function(msg) {
      var data;
      for (var i = 3, len = msg.length; i < len; i += 2) {
        data = msg[i];
        data += msg[i + 1];
        this._firmwareName += String.fromCharCode(data);
      this._firmwareVersion = msg[1] + msg[2] / 10;
      this.dispatchEvent(new IOBoardEvent(IOBoardEvent.FIRMWARE_VERSION), {
        name: this._firmwareName,
        version: this._firmwareVersion

     * Construct a String from an incoming ascii data.
     * @private
     * @method processSysExString
    processSysExString: function(msg) {
      var str = "",
        len = msg.length;

      for (var i = 1; i < len; i += 2) {
        data = msg[i];
        data += msg[i + 1];
        str += String.fromCharCode(data);
      this.dispatchEvent(new IOBoardEvent(IOBoardEvent.STRING_MESSAGE), {
        message: str

     * Auto configure using capabilities response.
     * This creates a configuration for any board in the Firmata boards.h
     * file.
     * @private
     * @method processCapabilitiesResponse
    processCapabilitiesResponse: function(msg) {
      // If running in multi-client mode and this client is already
      // configured, ignore capabilities response
      if (this._isConfigured) {

      var pinCapabilities = {},
        byteCounter = 1, // Skip 1st byte because it's the command
        pinCounter = 0,
        analogPinCounter = 0,
        len = msg.length,

      this._numDigitialIOPins = 0;

      this._capabilityQueryResponseReceived = true;

      // Create default configuration
      while (byteCounter <= len) {
        // 127 denotes end of pin's modes
        if (msg[byteCounter] == 127) {

          // Is digital pin mapping even necessary anymore?
          this._digitalPinMapping[pinCounter] = pinCounter;
          type = undefined;

          // Assign default types
          if (pinCapabilities[Pin.DOUT]) {
            // Map digital pins
            type = Pin.DOUT;

          if (pinCapabilities[Pin.AIN]) {
            type = Pin.AIN;
            // Map analog input pins
            this._analogPinMapping[analogPinCounter++] = pinCounter;

          pin = new Pin(pinCounter, type);
          this._ioPins[pinCounter] = pin;

          // Store the 2 i2c pin numbers if they exist
          // To Do: allow for more than 2 i2c pins on a board?
          // How to identify SDA-SCL pairs in that case?
          if (pin.getCapabilities()[Pin.I2C]) {

          if (pinCapabilities[Pin.DOUT] || pinCapabilities[Pin.DIN]) {

          pinCapabilities = {};
        } else {
          // Create capabilities object (mode: resolution) for each
          // mode supported by each pin
          mode = msg[byteCounter];
          resolution = msg[byteCounter + 1];
          if (typeof mode !== "undefined") {
            this._boardCapabilities[mode] = true;
          pinCapabilities[mode] = resolution;
          byteCounter += 2;

      // use the number of digital I/O pins rather than the total number of pins
      // to calculate the tnumber of ports
      this._numPorts = Math.ceil(this._numDigitialIOPins / 8);
      this.debug("debug: Num ports = " + this._numPorts);

      // Initialize port values
      for (var j = 0; j < this._numPorts; j++) {
        this._digitalPort[j] = 0;

      this._totalPins = pinCounter;
      this._totalAnalogPins = analogPinCounter;
      this.debug("debug: Num pins = " + this._totalPins);

      // Map the analog pins to the board pins
      // This will map the IOBoard analog pin numbers (printed on IOBoard)
      // to their digital pin number equivalents

     * Map map analog pins to board pin numbers. Need to do this because
     * the capability query does not provide the correct order of analog
     * pins.
     * @private
     * @method processAnalogMappingResponse
    processAnalogMappingResponse: function(msg) {
      // If running in multi-client mode and this client is
      // already configured ignore analog mapping response
      if (this._isConfigured) {

      var len = msg.length;
      for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
        if (msg[i] != 127) {
          this._analogPinMapping[msg[i]] = i - 1;
          this.getPin(i - 1).setAnalogNumber(msg[i]);

      if (!this._isMultiClientEnabled) {
      } else {

     * Single client mode is the default mode.
     * Checking the "Enable multi-client" box in the Breakout Server UI to
     * enable multi-client mode.
     * @private
     * @method startupInMultiClientMode
    startupInMultiClientMode: function() {
      var len = this.getPinCount();
      // Populate pins with the current IOBoard state
      for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {

      // Wait for the pin states to finish updating
      setTimeout(this.startup.bind(this), 500);
      this._isConfigured = true;

     * The IOBoard is configured and ready to send and accept commands.
     * @private
     * @method startup
    startup: function() {
      this.debug("debug: IOBoard ready");
      this._isReady = true;
      this.dispatchEvent(new IOBoardEvent(IOBoardEvent.READY));

     * Resets the board to its default state without physically resetting
     * the board.
     * @private
     * @method systemReset
    systemReset: function() {
      this.debug("debug: System reset");

     * Reads the current configuration of the requested pin. The following
     * values are returned: 1: pin number, 2: pin type (0: DIN, 1: DOUT,
     * 2: AIN, 3: AOUT / PWM, 4: SERVO, 5: SHIFT, 6: I2C), 3: pin state.
     * The pin state for output modes is the value previously written
     * to the pin. For input modes (AIN, DIN, etc) the state is typically
     * zero (it is not the value that was written to the pin). For digital
     * inputs the state is the status of the pullup resistor.
     * @private
     * @method processPinStateResponse
    processPinStateResponse: function(msg) {
      // Ignore requests that were not made by this client
      if (this._numPinStateRequests <= 0) {

      var len = msg.length,
        pinNumber = msg[1],
        pinType = msg[2],
        pin = this._ioPins[pinNumber];

      if (len > 4) {
        pinState = this.getValueFromTwo7bitBytes(msg[3], msg[4]);
      } else if (len > 3) {
        pinState = msg[3];

      // update the pin type if it has changed
      // typically this only happens when multiple clients are connecting
      // to a single IOBoard. Each client (aside from the initial client)
      // needs to get the current pin type
      if (pin.getType() != pinType) {


      if (this._numPinStateRequests < 0) {
        // should never happen, but just in case...
        this._numPinStateRequests = 0;

      this.dispatchEvent(new IOBoardEvent(IOBoardEvent.PIN_STATE_RESPONSE), {
        pin: pin

     * Convert char to decimal value.
     * @private
     * @method toDec
    toDec: function(ch) {
      ch = ch.substring(0, 1);
      var decVal = ch.charCodeAt(0);
      return decVal;

     * Called when ever a pin value is set via pin.value = someValue.
     * Sends digital or analog output pin and output values to the IOBoard.
     * @private
     * @method sendOut
     * @param {Event} event A reference to the event object (Pin in this
     * case).
    sendOut: function(event) {
      var type =,
        pinNum =,
        value =;

      switch (type) {
        case Pin.DOUT:
          this.sendDigitalData(pinNum, value);
        case Pin.AOUT:
          this.sendAnalogData(pinNum, value);
        case Pin.SERVO:
          this.sendServoData(pinNum, value);

     * Ensure that event listeners are properly managed for pin objects
     * as the pin type is changed during the execution of the program.
     * @private
     * @method managePinListener
    managePinListener: function(pin) {
      if (pin.getType() == Pin.DOUT || pin.getType() == Pin.AOUT || pin.getType() == Pin.SERVO) {
        if (!pin.hasEventListener(PinEvent.CHANGE)) {
          pin.addEventListener(PinEvent.CHANGE, this.sendOutHandler);
      } else {
        if (pin.hasEventListener(PinEvent.CHANGE)) {
          try {
            pin.removeEventListener(PinEvent.CHANGE, this.sendOutHandler);
          } catch (e) {
            // Pin had reference to other handler, ignore
            this.debug("debug: Caught pin removeEventListener exception");

     * Sends an analog value up to 14 bits on an analog pin number between
     * 0 and 15. The value passed to this method should be in the range of
     * 0.0 to 1.0. It is multiplied by the analog write (PWM) resolution
     * set for the pin.
     * @param {Number} pin The analog pin number.
     * param {Number} value The value to send (0.0 to 1.0).
     * @private
     * @method sendAnalogData
    sendAnalogData: function(pin, value) {
      var pwmResolution = this.getDigitalPin(pin).analogWriteResolution;
      value *= pwmResolution;
      value = (value < 0) ? 0 : value;
      value = (value > pwmResolution) ? pwmResolution : value;

      if (pin > 15 || value > Math.pow(2, 14)) {
        this.sendExtendedAnalogData(pin, value);
      } else {
        this.send([ANALOG_MESSAGE | (pin & 0x0F), value & 0x007F, (value >> 7) & 0x007F]);

     * Sends an analog value > 14 bits and/or send a value for a pin number
     * greater than 15.
     * @param {Number} pin The analog pin number (up to 128).
     * @param {Number} value The value to send (up to 16 bits).
     * @private
     * @method sendExtendedAnalogData
    sendExtendedAnalogData: function(pin, value) {
      var analogData = [];

      // If > 16 bits
      if (value > Math.pow(2, 16)) {
        var err = "error: Extended Analog values > 16 bits are not currently supported by StandardFirmata";
        throw err;

      analogData[0] = START_SYSEX;
      analogData[1] = EXTENDED_ANALOG;
      analogData[2] = pin;
      analogData[3] = value & 0x007F;
      analogData[4] = (value >> 7) & 0x007F; // Up to 14 bits

      // If > 14 bits
      if (value >= Math.pow(2, 14)) {
        analogData[5] = (value >> 14) & 0x007F;


     * Add the pin value to the appropriate digital port and send the
     * updated digital port value.
     * @param {Number} pin The digital pin number.
     * @param {Number} value The value of the digital pin (0 or 1).
     * @private
     * @method sendDigitalData
    sendDigitalData: function(pin, value) {
      var portNum = Math.floor(pin / 8);

      if (value == Pin.HIGH) {
        // Set the bit
        this._digitalPort[portNum] |= (value << (pin % 8));
      } else if (value == Pin.LOW) {
        // Clear the bit
        this._digitalPort[portNum] &= ~(1 << (pin % 8));
      } else {
        console.log("warning: Invalid value passed to sendDigital, value must be 0 or 1.");
        return; // Invalid value

      this.sendDigitalPort(portNum, this._digitalPort[portNum]);

     * Send the servo angle.
     * @param {Number} pin The digital pin number the servo is attached to.
     * @param {Number} value The angle to rotate to (0.0 to 1.0 mapped to 0 - 180).
     * @private
     * @method sendServoData
    sendServoData: function(pin, value) {
      var servoPin = this.getDigitalPin(pin);
      if (servoPin.getType() == Pin.SERVO && servoPin.lastValue != value) {
        this.sendAnalogData(pin, value);

     * Query the cababilities and current state any board running Firmata.
     * @private
     * @method queryCapabilities
    queryCapabilities: function() {

     * Query which pins correspond to the analog channels
     * @private
     * @method queryAnalogMapping
    queryAnalogMapping: function() {

     * Call this method to enable or disable analog input for the specified
     * pin.
     * @private
     * @method setAnalogPinReporting
     * @param {Number} pin The pin connected to the analog input
     * @param {Number} mode Pin.ON to enable input or Pin.OFF to disable
     * input for the specified pin.
    setAnalogPinReporting: function(pin, mode) {
      this.send([REPORT_ANALOG | pin, mode]);

     * for debugging
     * @private
    debug: function(str) {
      if (this._debugMode) {

    // Getters and setters:

     * Get or set the sampling interval (how often to run the main loop on
     * the IOBoard). Normally the sampling interval should not be changed.
     * Default = 19 (ms).
     * @property samplingInterval
     * @type Number
    get samplingInterval() {
      return this._samplingInterval;
    set samplingInterval(interval) {
      if (interval >= MIN_SAMPLING_INTERVAL && interval <= MAX_SAMPLING_INTERVAL) {
        this._samplingInterval = interval;
        this.send([START_SYSEX, SAMPLING_INTERVAL, interval & 0x007F, (interval >> 7) & 0x007F, END_SYSEX]);
      } else {
        console.log("warning: Sampling interval must be between " + MIN_SAMPLING_INTERVAL + " and " + MAX_SAMPLING_INTERVAL);

     * Set to true when the IOBoard is ready. This can be used in place of
     * listening for the IOBoardEvent.READY event when creating an app with
     * a draw loop (such as when using processing.js or three.js);
     * @property isReady
     * @type Boolean
    get isReady() {
      return this._isReady;

    // Public methods:

     * A utility method to assemble a single value from the 2 bytes returned
     * from the IOBoard (since data is passed in 7 bit Bytes rather than
     * 8 bit it must be reassembled. This is to be used as a protected
     * method and should not be needed in any application level code.
     * @private
     * @method getValueFromTwo7bitBytes
     * @param {Number} lsb The least-significant byte of the 2 values to
     * be concatentated
     * @param {Number} msb The most-significant byte of the 2 values to be
     * concatenated
     * @return {Number} The result of merging the 2 bytes
    getValueFromTwo7bitBytes: function(lsb, msb) {
      return (msb << 7) | lsb;

     * @method getSocket
     * @return {WSocketWrapper} A reference to the WebSocket
    getSocket: function() {
      return this._socket;

     * Request the Firmata protocol version implemented in the firmware (sketch)
     * running on the IOBoard.
     * Listen for the IOBoard.PROTOCOL_VERSION event to be notified of when
     * the Firmata version is returned from the IOBoard.
     * @method reportVersion
    reportVersion: function() {

     * Request the name and version of the firmware (the sketch) running on the IOBoard.
     * Listen for the IOBoard.FIRMWARE_VERSION event to be notified of when
     * the name is returned from the IOBoard. The version number is also
     * returned.
     * @method reportFirmware
    reportFirmware: function() {

     * Disables digital pin reporting for all digital pins.
     * @method disableDigitalPins
    disableDigitalPins: function() {
      for (var i = 0; i < this._numPorts; i++) {
        this.sendDigitalPortReporting(i, Pin.OFF);

     * Enables digital pin reporting for all digital pins. You must call
     * this before you can receive digital pin data from the IOBoard.
     * @method enableDigitalPins
    enableDigitalPins: function() {
      for (var i = 0; i < this._numPorts; i++) {
        this.sendDigitalPortReporting(i, Pin.ON);

     * Enable or disable reporting of all digital pins for the specified
     * port.
     * @method sendDigitalPortReporting
     * @param {Number} mode Either Pin.On or Pin.OFF
    sendDigitalPortReporting: function(port, mode) {
      this.send([(REPORT_DIGITAL | port), mode]);

     * Call this method to enable analog input for the specified pin.
     * @method enableAnalogPin
     * @param {Number} pin The pin connected to the analog input
    enableAnalogPin: function(pin) {
      this.setAnalogPinReporting(pin, Pin.ON);

     * Call this method to disable analog input for the specified pin.
     * @method disableAnalogPin
     * @param {Number} pin The pin connected to the analog input
    disableAnalogPin: function(pin) {
      this.setAnalogPinReporting(pin, Pin.OFF);

     * Set the specified digital pin mode.
     * @method setDigitalPinMode
     * @param {Number} pin The number of the pin. When using and analog
     * pin as a digital pin, refer the datasheet for your board to obtain
     * the digital pin equivalent of the analog pin number. For example on
     * an Arduino UNO, analog pin 0 = digital pin 14.
     * @param {Number} mode Pin.DIN, Pin.INPUT_PULLUP, Pin.DOUT, Pin.PWM, Pin.SERVO,
     * Pin.SHIFT, or Pin.I2c
     * @param {Boolean} silent [optional] Set to true to not send
     * SET_PIN_MODE command. Default = false.
    setDigitalPinMode: function(pinNumber, mode, silent) {

      // sometimes we want to set up a pin without sending the set pin
      // mode command because the firmware handles the pin mode
      if (!silent || silent !== true) {
        this.send([SET_PIN_MODE, pinNumber, mode]);

     * Set the value of the specified pin
     * @method setDigitalPinValue
     * @param {Number} pin The number of the digital pin.
     * @param {Number} value Pin.HIGH or Pin.LOW
    setDigitalPinValue: function(pinNumber, value) {
      var portNum = Math.floor(pinNumber / 8);

      // set digital port value in case user mixes setDigitalPinValue
      // and sendDigitalData in the same application
      if (value == Pin.HIGH) {
        // Set the bit
        this._digitalPort[portNum] |= (value << (pinNumber % 8));
      } else if (value == Pin.LOW) {
        // Clear the bit
        this._digitalPort[portNum] &= ~(1 << (pinNumber % 8));

      this.send([SET_PIN_VALUE, pinNumber, value]);

     * Enable the internal pull-up resistor for the specified pin number.
     * @method enablePullUp
     * @param {Number} pinNum The number of the input pin to enable the
     * pull-up resistor.
    enablePullUp: function(pinNum) {
      if (this._boardCapabilities[Pin.INPUT_PULLUP]) {
        this.setDigitalPinMode(pinNum, Pin.INPUT_PULLUP);
      } else {
        this.sendDigitalData(pinNum, Pin.HIGH);

     * @method getFirmwareName
     * @deprecated use getFirmwareVersion instead
     * @return {String} The name of the firmware running on the IOBoard.
    getFirmwareName: function() {
      // To Do: It seams that Firmata is reporting the Firmware
      // name malformed.
      return this._firmwareName;

     * @method getFirmwareVersion
     * @return {String} The version of the firmware running on the
     * IOBoard.
    getFirmwareVersion: function() {
      return this._firmwareVersion;

     * @method getProtocolVersion
     * @return {String} The version of Firmata protocol implemented by the firmware
     * running on the IOBoard.
    getProtocolVersion: function() {
      return this._protocolVersion;

     * Returns the capabilities for each pin on the IOBoard. The array is
     * indexed by pin number (beginning at pin 0). Each array element
     * contains an object with a property for each modes (input, output,
     * pwm, servo, i2c, etc) supported by the pin. The mode value is the
     * resolution in bits.
     * @method getPinCapabilities
     * @return {Array} The capabilities of the Pins on the IOBoard.
    getPinCapabilities: function() {
      var capabilities = [],

      var modeNames = {
        0: "input",
        1: "output",
        2: "analog",
        3: "pwm",
        4: "servo",
        5: "shift",
        6: "i2c",
        7: "onewire",
        8: "stepper",
        9: "encoder",
        10: "serial",
        11: "pullup"

      len = this._ioPins.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        pinElements = {};
        pinCapabilities = this._ioPins[i].getCapabilities();
        hasCapabilities = false;

        for (var mode in pinCapabilities) {
          if (pinCapabilities.hasOwnProperty(mode)) {
            hasCapabilities = true;
            if (mode >= 0) {
              pinElements[modeNames[mode]] = this._ioPins[i].getCapabilities()[mode];

        if (!hasCapabilities) {
          capabilities[i] = {
            "not available": "0"
        } else {
          capabilities[i] = pinElements;


      return capabilities;

     * Reads the current state of the requested pin. Listen for the
     * IOBoardEvent.PIN_STATE_RESPONSE event to get the response.
     * The response contains a reference to the pin object with its
     * state updated to match the current state of the pin on the IOBoard.
     * You should not typically need to call this method since the pin
     * states are maintained client-side. Use the getAnalogPin or
     * getDigitalPin to get the current state of a pin or getPins to
     * get an array of all Pin objects for the IOBoard.
     * Cases for queryPinState are to update the pin state after a period
     * of inactivity. For example if multiple client applications are
     * using the same IOBoard (so multiple JavaScript apps connected to
     * the same Arduino). When a new client connection is made,
     * queryPinState is called automatically to copy the IOBoard pin state
     * to the client. If for some reason you needed to copy the state of a
     * single or multiple Pins again, you could call queryPinState in your
     * application. In most cases however you should never need to call
     * this method.
     * @method queryPinState
     * @param {Pin} pin The pin object to query the pin state for.
    queryPinState: function(pin) {
      // To Do: Ensure that pin is a Pin object
      var pinNumber = pin.number;
      this.send([START_SYSEX, PIN_STATE_QUERY, pinNumber, END_SYSEX]);

     * Send the digital values for a port. Making this private for now.
     * @private
     * @method sendDigitalPort
     * @param {Number} portNumber The number of the port
     * @param {Number} portData A byte representing the state of the 8 pins
     * for the specified port
    sendDigitalPort: function(portNumber, portData) {
      this.send([DIGITAL_MESSAGE | (portNumber & 0x0F), portData & 0x7F, portData >> 7]);

     * Send a string message to the IOBoard. This is useful if you have a
     * custom sketch running on the IOBoard rather than StandardFirmata
     * and want to communicate with your javascript message via string
     * messages that you then parse in javascript.
     * You can receive string messages as well.
     * <p>To test, load the EchoString.pde example from Firmata->Examples
     * menu in the IOBoard Application, then use sendString("your string
     * message") to have it echoed back to your javascript application.</p>
     * @method sendString
     * @param {String} str The string message to send to the IOBoard
    sendString: function(str) {
      // Convert chars to decimal values
      var decValues = [];
      for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
        decValues.push(this.toDec(str[i]) & 0x007F);
        decValues.push((this.toDec(str[i]) >> 7) & 0x007F);
      // Data > 7 bits in length must be split into 2 bytes and
      // packed into an array before passing to the sendSysex
      // method
      this.sendSysex(STRING_DATA, decValues);

     * Send a sysEx message to the IOBoard. This is useful for sending
     * custom sysEx data to the IOBoard, for example if you are not using
     * StandardFirmata. You would likely use it in a class rather than
     * calling it from your main application.
     * @private
     * @method sendSysex
     * @param {Number} command The sysEx command value (see
     * @param {Number[]} data A packet of data representing the sysEx
     * message to be sent
     * @see <a href="">Firmata Sysex Message Format"</a>
    sendSysex: function(command, data) {
      var sysexData = [];
      sysexData[0] = START_SYSEX;
      sysexData[1] = command;
      // This would be problematic since the sysEx message format does
      // not enforce splitting all bytes after the command byte
      //for (var i=0, len=data.length; i<len; i++) {
      //  sysexData.push(data[i] & 0x007F);
      //  sysexData.push((data[i] >> 7) & 0x007F);

      for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {


     * Call to associate a pin with a connected servo motor. See the
     * documentation for your servo motor for the minimum and maximum
     * pulse width. If you can't find it, then the default values should
     * be close enough so call sendServoAttach(pin) omitting the min and
     * max values.
     * @method sendServoAttach
     * @param {Number} pin The pin the server is connected to.
     * @param {Number} minPulse [optional] The minimum pulse width for the
     * servo. Default = 544.
     * @param {Number} maxPulse [optional] The maximum pulse width for the
     * servo. Default = 2400.
    sendServoAttach: function(pin, minPulse, maxPulse) {
      var servoPin,
        servoData = [];

      minPulse = minPulse || 544; // Default value = 544
      maxPulse = maxPulse || 2400; // Default value = 2400

      servoData[0] = START_SYSEX;
      servoData[1] = SERVO_CONFIG;
      servoData[2] = pin;
      servoData[3] = minPulse % 128;
      servoData[4] = minPulse >> 7;
      servoData[5] = maxPulse % 128;
      servoData[6] = maxPulse >> 7;
      servoData[7] = END_SYSEX;


      servoPin = this.getDigitalPin(pin);

     * @private
     * @method getPin
     * @return {Pin} An unmapped reference to the Pin object.
    getPin: function(pinNumber) {
      return this._ioPins[pinNumber];

     * @method getAnalogPin
     * @return {Pin} A reference to the Pin object (mapped to the IOBoard
     * board analog pin).
    getAnalogPin: function(pinNumber) {
      return this._ioPins[this._analogPinMapping[pinNumber]];

     * @method getDigitalPin
     * @return {Pin} A reference to the Pin object (mapped to the IOBoard
     * board digital pin).
    getDigitalPin: function(pinNumber) {
      return this._ioPins[this._digitalPinMapping[pinNumber]];

     * @method getPins
     * @return {Pin[]} An array containing all pins on the IOBoard
    getPins: function() {
      return this._ioPins;

     * Use this method to obtain the digital pin number equivalent
     * for an analog pin.
     * @example
     *     // set analog pin A3 on an Arduino Uno to digital input
     *     board.setDigitalPinMode(board.analogToDigital(3), Pin.DIN);
     * <p>board.analogToDigital(3) returns 17 which is the digital
     * equivalent of the analog pin</p>
     * @method analogToDigital
     * @return {Number} The digital pin number equivalent for the specified
     * analog pin number.
    analogToDigital: function(analogPinNumber) {
      return this.getAnalogPin(analogPinNumber).number;

     * @method getPinCount
     * @return {Number} Total number of pins
    getPinCount: function() {
      return this._totalPins;

     * @method getAnalogPinCount
     * @return {Number} The total number of analog pins supported by this
     * IOBoard
    getAnalogPinCount: function() {
      return this._totalAnalogPins;

     * Returns undefined if the board does not have i2c pins.
     * @private
     * @method getI2cPins
     * @return {Number[]} The pin numbers of the i2c pins if the board has
     * i2c.
    getI2cPins: function() {
      return this._i2cPins;

     * Call this method to print the capabilities for all pins to
     * the console.
     * @method reportPinCapabilities
    reportPinCapabilities: function() {
      var capabilities = this.getPinCapabilities(),
        len = capabilities.length,

      for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        console.log("Pin " + i + ":");
        for (var mode in capabilities[i]) {
          if (capabilities[i].hasOwnProperty(mode)) {
            resolution = capabilities[i][mode];
            console.log("\t" + mode + " (" + resolution + (resolution > 1 ? " bits)" : " bit)"));

     * A wrapper for the send method of the WebSocket
     * I'm not sure there is a case for the user to call this method
     * So I'm making this private for now.
     * @private
     * @method send
     * @param {Number[]} message Message data to be sent to the IOBoard
    send: function(message) {

     * A wrapper for the close method of the WebSocket. Making this
     * private until a use case arises.
     * @private
     * @method close
    close: function() {

    // Implement EventDispatcher

     * @param {String} type The event type
     * @param {Function} listener The function to be called when the event
     * is fired
    addEventListener: function(type, listener) {
      this._evtDispatcher.addEventListener(type, listener);

     * @param {String} type The event type
     * @param {Function} listener The function to be called when the event
     * is fired
    removeEventListener: function(type, listener) {
      this._evtDispatcher.removeEventListener(type, listener);

     * @param {String} type The event type
     * return {boolean} True is listener exists for this type, false if not.
    hasEventListener: function(type) {
      return this._evtDispatcher.hasEventListener(type);

     * @param {Event} type The Event object
     * @param {Object} optionalParams Optional parameters to assign to the
     * event object.
     * return {boolean} True if dispatch is successful, false if not.
    dispatchEvent: function(event, optionalParams) {
      return this._evtDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event, optionalParams);


   * @method reportCapabilities
   * @deprecated use reportPinCapabilities instead
  IOBoard.prototype.reportCapabilities = IOBoard.prototype.reportPinCapabilities;

  // Document events

   * The ioBoardReady event is dispatched when the board is ready to
   * send and receive commands.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.READY
   * @event ioBoardReady
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard

   * The ioBoardConnected event is dispatched when the websocket
   * connection is established.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.CONNECTED
   * @event ioBoardConnected
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard

   * The ioBoardDisconnected event is dispatched when the websocket
   * connection is closed.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.DISCONNECTED
   * @event ioBoardDisconnected
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard

   * The stringMessage event is dispatched when a string is received
   * from the IOBoard.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.STRING_MESSAGE
   * @event stringMessage
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard
   * @param {String} message The string message received from the IOBoard

   * The sysexMessage event is dispatched when a sysEx message is
   * received from the IOBoard.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.SYSEX_MESSAGE
   * @event sysexMessage
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard
   * @param {Array} message The sysEx data

   * The protocolVersion event is dispatched when the Firmata protocol version
   * is received from the IOBoard.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.PROTOCOL_VERSION
   * @event protocolVersion
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard
   * @param {Number} version The protocol version (where Firmata 2.3 = 23)

   * The firmwareName event is dispatched when the firmware name is
   * received from the IOBoard.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.FIRMWARE_NAME
   * @deprecated use FIRMWARE_VERION instead
   * @event firmwareName
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard
   * @param {String} name The name of the firmware running on the IOBoard
   * @param {Number} version The firmware version (where Firmata 2.3 = 23)

   * The firmwareVersion event is dispatched when the firmware name and version
   * is received from the IOBoard.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.FIRMWARE_VERSION
   * @event firmwareVersion
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard
   * @param {Number} version The firmware version (where Firmata 2.3 = 23)

   * The pinStateResponse event is dispatched when the results of
   * a pin state query (via a call to: queryPinState()) is received.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.PIN_STATE_RESPONSE
   * @event pinStateResponse
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard
   * @param {BO.Pin} pin A reference to the pin object.

   * The analogData event is dispatched when analog data is received
   * from the IOBoard. Use thie event to be notified when any analog
   * pin value changes. Use Pin.CHANGE to be notified when a specific
   * pin value changes.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.ANALOG_DATA
   * @event analogData
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard
   * @param {BO.Pin} pin A reference to the pin object.

   * The digitalData event is dispatched when digital data is received
   * from the IOBoard. Use this event to be notified when any digital
   * pin value changes. Use Pin.CHANGE to be notified when a specific
   * pin value changes.
   * @type BO.IOBoardEvent.DIGITAL_DATA
   * @event digitalData
   * @param {IOBoard} target A reference to the IOBoard
   * @param {BO.Pin} pin A reference to the pin object.

  return IOBoard;
