
File: src/filters/TriggerPoint.js

  * Based on originally written in as3.
  * Copyright (c) the Funnel development team
  * Ported to JavaScript by Jeff Hoefs
  * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Jeff Hoefs <>
  * Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.


 BO.filters.TriggerPoint = (function() {
   "use strict";

   var TriggerPoint;

   // dependencies
   var FilterBase = BO.filters.FilterBase;

    * Divides an input to 0 or 1 based on the threshold and hysteresis. You can
    * also use multiple points by providing a nested array such as `[[0.4, 0.1],
    * [0.7, 0.05]]`.
    * See [Breakout/examples/filters/triggerpoint.html]( for an example application.
    * @class TriggerPoint
    * @constructor
    * @extends BO.filters.FilterBase
    * @param {Number[]} points An array of threshold and hysteresis values
    * operations for input buffers.
   TriggerPoint = function(points) { = "TriggerPoint";

     this._points = {};
     this._range = [];
     this._lastStatus = 0;

     if (points === undefined) {
       points = [
         [0.5, 0]

     if (points[0] instanceof Array) {
       var len = points.length;
       for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
         this._points[points[i][0]] = points[i][1];
     } else if (typeof points[0] === "number") {
       this._points[points[0]] = points[1];


     this._lastStatus = 0;

   TriggerPoint.prototype = JSUTILS.inherit(FilterBase.prototype);
   TriggerPoint.prototype.constructor = TriggerPoint;

    * Override FilterBase.processSample
   TriggerPoint.prototype.processSample = function(val) {
     var status = this._lastStatus;
     var len = this._range.length;
     for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
       var range = this._range[i];
       if (range[0] <= val && val <= range[1]) {
         status = i;

     this._lastStatus = status;
     return status;

    * @method addPoint
   TriggerPoint.prototype.addPoint = function(threshold, hysteresis) {
     this._points[threshold] = hysteresis;

    * @method removePoint
   TriggerPoint.prototype.removePoint = function(threshold) {
     // to do: verify that this works in javascript
     delete this._points[threshold];

    * @method removeAllPoints
   TriggerPoint.prototype.removeAllPoints = function() {
     this._points = {};

    * @private
    * @method updateRange
   TriggerPoint.prototype.updateRange = function() {

     this._range = [];
     var keys = this.getKeys(this._points);

     var firstKey = keys[0];
     this._range.push([Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, firstKey - this._points[firstKey]]);

     var len = keys.length - 1;
     for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
       var t0 = keys[i];
       var t1 = keys[i + 1];
       var p0 = (t0 * 1) + this._points[t0]; // multiply by 1 to force type to number
       var p1 = t1 - this._points[t1];
       if (p0 >= p1) {
         throw new Error("The specified range overlaps...");
       this._range.push([p0, p1]);

     var lastKey = keys[keys.length - 1];
     var positiveThresh = (lastKey * 1) + this._points[lastKey];
     this._range.push([positiveThresh, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]);


    * @private
    * @method getKeys
   TriggerPoint.prototype.getKeys = function(obj) {
     var keys = [];
     for (var key in obj) {
       if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
     return keys.sort();

   return TriggerPoint;
