
File: src/io/AnalogAccelerometer.js

  * Based on originally written in as3.
  * Copyright (c) the Funnel development team
  * Ported to JavaScript by Jeff Hoefs
  * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Jeff Hoefs <>
  * Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.

 JSUTILS.namespace(''); = (function() {
   "use strict";

   var AnalogAccelerometer;

   // private static constants
   var RAD_TO_DEG = 180 / Math.PI;

   // dependencies
   var PhysicalInputBase = BO.PhysicalInputBase,
     PinEvent = BO.PinEvent,
     AccelerometerEvent =,
     Scaler = BO.filters.Scaler,
     Convolution = BO.filters.Convolution;

    * Creates an interface to an analog accelerometer. Use the
    * accelerometer to read the acceleration along the x, y, and z axis of an
    * object it is attached to. You can also obtain the pitch and roll. This
    * object should interface with most analog accelerometers. See
    * [Breakout/examples/sensors/analog\_accelerometer.html]( and
    * [Breakout/examples/three\_js/accelerometer.html]( for example applications.
    * @class AnalogAccelerometer
    * @constructor
    * @extends BO.PhysicalInputBase
    * @param {IOBoard} board A reference to the IOBoard instance
    * @param {Pin} xPin A reference to the Pin connected to the x axis of the
    * accelerometer
    * @param {Pin} yPin A reference to the Pin connected to the y axis of the
    * accelerometer
    * @param {Pin} zPin A reference to the Pin connected to the z axis of the
    * accelerometer
    * @param {Number} dynamicRange The range of the acceleromter in Gs
    * (typically 2 or 3 for an
    * analog accelerometer). See the datasheet for the acceleromter to get
    * the exact value.
    * @param {Boolean} enableSmoothing True to enable smoothing, false to
    * disable. Default is false.
   AnalogAccelerometer = function(board, xPin, yPin, zPin, dynamicRange, enableSmoothing) {

     // Call the super class; = "AnalogAccelerometer";

     // Enable the analog pins

     this._enableSmoothing = enableSmoothing || false;
     this._xPin = xPin || null;
     this._yPin = yPin || null;
     this._zPin = zPin || null;

     // Common accelerometer interface values:
     this._dynamicRange = dynamicRange || 1;
     this._x = 0;
     this._y = 0;
     this._z = 0;

     if (this._xPin !== null) {
       this._xPin.addEventListener(PinEvent.CHANGE, this.xAxisChanged.bind(this));

     if (this._yPin !== null) {
       this._yPin.addEventListener(PinEvent.CHANGE, this.yAxisChanged.bind(this));

     if (this._zPin !== null) {
       this._zPin.addEventListener(PinEvent.CHANGE, this.zAxisChanged.bind(this));


   AnalogAccelerometer.prototype = JSUTILS.inherit(PhysicalInputBase.prototype);
   AnalogAccelerometer.prototype.constructor = AnalogAccelerometer;

   // Implement Acceleromter interface:

   Object.defineProperties(AnalogAccelerometer.prototype, {
     // Properties that apply to any accelereomter

      * [read-only] the accelerometer dynamic range in Gs (either 2G, 4G, 8G, or 16G for this sensor)..
      * @property dynamicRange
      * @type Number
     dynamicRange: {
       get: function() {
         return this._dynamicRange;

      * [read-only] The acceleration value in Gs (9.8m/sec^2) along the x-axis.
      * @property x
      * @type Number
     x: {
       get: function() {
         return this._x;

      * [read-only] The acceleration value in Gs (9.8m/sec^2) along the y-axis.
      * @property y
      * @type Number
     y: {
       get: function() {
         return this._y;

      * [read-only] The acceleration value in Gs (9.8m/sec^2) along the z-axis.
      * @property z
      * @type Number
     z: {
       get: function() {
         return this._z;

      * [read-only] The pitch value in degrees
      * @property pitch
      * @type Number
     pitch: {
       get: function() {
         // -180 to 180
         //return Math.atan2(this._x, this._z) * RAD_TO_DEG;
         // -90 to 90
         return Math.atan2(this._x, Math.sqrt(this._y * this._y + this._z * this._z)) * RAD_TO_DEG;

      * [read-only] The roll value in degrees
      * @property roll
      * @type Number
     roll: {
       get: function() {
         // -180 to 180
         //return Math.atan2(this._y, this._z) * RAD_TO_DEG;
         // -90 to 90
         return Math.atan2(this._y, Math.sqrt(this._x * this._x + this._z * this._z)) * RAD_TO_DEG;

     // Properties specific to analog accelerometers:

     xPin: {
       get: function() {
         return this._xPin;

     yPin: {
       get: function() {
         return this._yPin;

     zPin: {
       get: function() {
         return this._zPin;

    * Scale the range for the specified axis (from 0 to 1) to (minimum to
    * maximum).
    * @method setRangeFor
    * @param axis the axis to set new range (AnalogAccelerometer.X_AXIS,
    * AnalogAccelerometer.Y_AXIS or AnalogAccelerometer.Z_AXIS).
    * @param {Number} minimum The new minimum value
    * @param {Number} maximum The new maximum value
   AnalogAccelerometer.prototype.setRangeFor = function(axis, minimum, maximum) {
     var range = this._dynamicRange;

     if (axis === AnalogAccelerometer.X_AXIS) {
       if (this._xPin !== null) {
         this._xPin.filters = [new Scaler(minimum, maximum, -range, range, Scaler.LINEAR)];
         if (this._enableSmoothing) {
           this._xPin.addFilter(new Convolution(Convolution.MOVING_AVERAGE));
     } else if (axis === AnalogAccelerometer.Y_AXIS) {
       if (this._yPin !== null) {
         this._yPin.filters = [new Scaler(minimum, maximum, -range, range, Scaler.LINEAR)];
         if (this._enableSmoothing) {
           this._yPin.addFilter(new Convolution(Convolution.MOVING_AVERAGE));
     } else if (axis === AnalogAccelerometer.Z_AXIS) {
       if (this._zPin !== null) {
         this._zPin.filters = [new Scaler(minimum, maximum, -range, range, Scaler.LINEAR)];
         if (this._enableSmoothing) {
           this._zPin.addFilter(new Convolution(Convolution.MOVING_AVERAGE));

   // Calibration:
   // For each axis, calculate variance from -1 and 1
   // assume zero g = supply voltage/2 and sensitivity is supply voltage / 10 per g
   // at -1 g, voltage should be (supply voltage/2) - (supply voltage / 10)
   // at 1 g, voltage should be (supply voltage/2) + (supply voltage / 10)

    * Use this method to get the minimum and maximum range values for an axis.
    * Create a new object to store the return value and then pass obj.min
    * and obj.max along with the respective axis identifier to the setRangeFor
    * method.
    * @method getCalibratedRange
    * @param {Number} minVoltage The minimum value reported on the axis
    * @param {Number} maxVoltage The maximum value reported on the axis
    * @param {Number} supplyVoltage The supply voltage of the Acceleromter
    * (enter as 3.3, 3.0, 5.0, etc).
    * @return {Object} An object containing the min and max range values to be
    * passed to the setRangeFor method.
   AnalogAccelerometer.prototype.getCalibratedRange = function(minVoltage, maxVoltage, supplyVoltage) {
     var range = {
       min: 0,
       max: 0

     var mVPerG = (maxVoltage - minVoltage) / 2;

     // Find zero G (average of min and max)
     var zeroG = (minVoltage + maxVoltage) / 2;

     range.min = (zeroG - (mVPerG * this._dynamicRange)) / supplyVoltage;
     range.max = (zeroG + (mVPerG * this._dynamicRange)) / supplyVoltage;

     return range;

    * @private
    * @method xAxisChanged
   AnalogAccelerometer.prototype.xAxisChanged = function(event) {
     this._x =;
     this.dispatchEvent(new AccelerometerEvent(AccelerometerEvent.UPDATE));

    * @private
    * @method yAxisChanged
   AnalogAccelerometer.prototype.yAxisChanged = function(event) {
     this._y =;
     this.dispatchEvent(new AccelerometerEvent(AccelerometerEvent.UPDATE));

    * @private
    * @method zAxisChanged
   AnalogAccelerometer.prototype.zAxisChanged = function(event) {
     this._z =;
     this.dispatchEvent(new AccelerometerEvent(AccelerometerEvent.UPDATE));

    * @property AnalogAccelerometer.X_AXIS
    * @static
   AnalogAccelerometer.X_AXIS = 0;
    * @property AnalogAccelerometer.Y_AXIS
    * @static
   AnalogAccelerometer.Y_AXIS = 1;
    * @property AnalogAccelerometer.Z_AXIS
    * @static
   AnalogAccelerometer.Z_AXIS = 2;

   // Document events

    * The update event is dispatched when the accelerometer values are updated.
    * @type
    * @event update
    * @param {} target A reference to the
    * AnalogAccelerometer object.

   return AnalogAccelerometer;
