
File: src/io/CompassHMC6352.js

 * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Jeff Hoefs <>
 * Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.

JSUTILS.namespace(''); = (function() {

  var CompassHMC6352;

  // dependencies
  var I2CBase = BO.I2CBase,
    CompassEvent =;

   * Creates an interface to an HMC6352 Digital Compass module.
   * Use the compass to obtain a heading. You must hold the sensor flat
   * to obtain the most accurate heading value (just like an analog compass).
   * The compass is also useful in obtaining a rotation value in relation
   * to a fixed position. See [Breakout/examples/sensors/hmc6352.html]( and
   * [Breakout/examples/processing\_js/compass.html]( for example applications.
   * @class CompassHMC6352
   * @constructor
   * @extends BO.I2CBase
   * @param {IOBoard} board The IOBoard instance
   * @param {Number} address The i2c address of the compass module
  CompassHMC6352 = function(board, address) {

    address = address || 0x21;
    this._heading = 0;
    this._lastHeading = 0; = "CompassHMC6352";, board, address);

    // 0x51 = 10 Hz measurement rate, Query mode
    this.sendI2CRequest([I2CBase.WRITE, this.address, 0x47, 0x74, 0x51]);
    this.sendI2CRequest([I2CBase.WRITE, this.address, 0x41]);



  CompassHMC6352.prototype = JSUTILS.inherit(I2CBase.prototype);
  CompassHMC6352.prototype.constructor = CompassHMC6352;

   * [read-only] The heading in degrees.
   * @property heading
   * @type Number
  Object.defineProperty(CompassHMC6352.prototype, "heading", {
    get: function() {
      return this._heading;

   * @private
   * @method handleI2C
  CompassHMC6352.prototype.handleI2C = function(data) {

    // data[0] = register
    this._heading = Math.floor(((data[1] << 8) | data[2]) / 10.0);

    if (this._heading != this._lastHeading) {
      this.dispatchEvent(new CompassEvent(CompassEvent.UPDATE));
    this._lastHeading = this._heading;

   * Start continuous reading of the sensor.
   * @method startReading
  CompassHMC6352.prototype.startReading = function() {
    this.sendI2CRequest([I2CBase.READ_CONTINUOUS, this.address, 0x7F, 0x02]);

   * Stop continuous reading of the sensor
   * @method stopReading
  CompassHMC6352.prototype.stopReading = function() {
    this.sendI2CRequest([I2CBase.STOP_READING, this.address]);

  // document events

   * The update event is dispatched when the compass heading is updated.
   * @type
   * @event update
   * @param {} target A reference to the CompassHMC6352 object.

  return CompassHMC6352;
