
File: src/io/MagnetoMeterHMC5883.js

 * Copyright (c) 2012 Jeff Hoefs <>
 * Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.

JSUTILS.namespace(''); = (function() {

  var MagnetometerHMC5883;

  // private static constants
  var RAD_TO_DEG = 180 / Math.PI,
    DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180,
    ADDRESS = 0x1E,
    CRA = 0x00,
    CRB = 0x01,
    MODE = 0x02,
    DATAX0 = 0x03,
    NUM_BYTES = 6;

  // dependencies
  var I2CBase = BO.I2CBase,
    MagnetometerEvent =;

   * Creates an interface to an HMC5883 3-axis magnetometer. Use the
   * magnetometer to obtain a compass heading or rotation in relation to
   * a fixed point. See [Breakout/examples/sensors/hmc5883.html]( for an example
   * application.
   * @class MagnetometerHMC5883
   * @constructor
   * @extends BO.I2CBase
   * @param {IOBoard} board The IOBoard instance
   * @param {Number} address The i2c address of the compass module
   * @param {Number} numSamples The number of samples averaged per
   * measurement output. Options are: `MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_1`,
   * `MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_2`, `MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_4`
   * `MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_8` (default = `MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_1`)
   * @param {Number} outputRate The data output rate in Hz
   * (default = `MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_30`)
  MagnetometerHMC5883 = function(board, address, numSamples, outputRate) {
    address = address || MagnetometerHMC5883.DEVICE_ID;
    numSamples = numSamples || MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_1;
    outputRate = outputRate || MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_30;, board, address);

    this._x = 0;
    this._y = 0;
    this._z = 0;

    // To do: scale is currently fixed. allow user to change this value?
    this._scale = 0.92; // mG/LSb

    this._isReading = false;
    this._debugMode = BO.enableDebugging; = "MagnetometerHMC5883";

    var measurement = 0x00;
    var CRAVal = (numSamples << 5) | (outputRate << 2) | measurement;

    // 1 sample, continuous measurement rate 30 Hz, normal measurement config
    this.sendI2CRequest([I2CBase.WRITE, this.address, CRA, CRAVal]);
    // startup in continuous measurement mode
    this.sendI2CRequest([I2CBase.WRITE, this.address, MODE, 0x00]);



  MagnetometerHMC5883.prototype = JSUTILS.inherit(I2CBase.prototype);
  MagnetometerHMC5883.prototype.constructor = MagnetometerHMC5883;

  Object.defineProperties(MagnetometerHMC5883.prototype, {
     * [read-only] The heading in degrees.
     * @property heading
     * @type Number
    heading: {
      get: function() {
        return this.getHeading(this._x, this._y);

     * [read-only] The x-axis measurement
     * @property x
     * @type Number
    x: {
      get: function() {
        return this._x;

     * [read-only] The y-axis measurement
     * @property y
     * @type Number
    y: {
      get: function() {
        return this._y;

     * [read-only] The z-axis measurement
     * @property z
     * @type Number
    z: {
      get: function() {
        return this._z;

   * @private
   * @method handleI2C
  MagnetometerHMC5883.prototype.handleI2C = function(data) {
    var xVal,

    // data[0] = register
    if (data[0] === DATAX0) {
      xVal = (data[1] << 8) | data[2];
      zVal = (data[3] << 8) | data[4];
      yVal = (data[5] << 8) | data[6];

      // correct for negative number
      if (xVal >> 15) {
        this._x = ((xVal ^ 0xFFFF) + 1) * -1;
      } else {
        this._x = xVal;
      if (yVal >> 15) {
        this._y = ((yVal ^ 0xFFFF) + 1) * -1;
      } else {
        this._y = yVal;
      if (zVal >> 15) {
        this._z = ((zVal ^ 0xFFFF) + 1) * -1;
      } else {
        this._z = zVal;

      // a value of -4096 indicates an ADC overflow or underflow

      this.dispatchEvent(new MagnetometerEvent(MagnetometerEvent.UPDATE));
    } else {
      console.log("Warning: MagnetometerHMC5883 received data from unknown register");

   * @private
   * @method getHeading
  MagnetometerHMC5883.prototype.getHeading = function(x, y) {
    var heading = 0.0;

    // algorithm from Applications of Magnetoresistive Sensors in Navigation Systems
    // by Michael J. Caruso of Honeywell Inc.
    if (y > 0) {
      heading = 90.0 - Math.atan(x / y) * 180 / Math.PI;
    } else if (y < 0) {
      heading = 270.0 - Math.atan(x / y) * 180 / Math.PI;
    } else if (y === 0 && x < 0) {
      heading = 180.0;
    } else if (y === 0 && x > 0) {
      heading = 0.0;

    // alternate algorithm
    // heading = Math.atan2(y, x);
    // if (heading < 0) heading += 2*Math.PI;
    // if (heading > 2*Math.PI) heading -= 2*Math.PI;
    // return heading * RAD_TO_DEG;

    return heading;

   * Get a tilt-compensated heading. Pitch and roll values from an accelerometer
   * must be passed to this method.
   * Note: this method is not working properly. Marking it private until resolved
   * @private
   * @method getTiltCompensatedHeading
   * @param {Number} pitch The pitch value (supplied by an accelerometer)
   * @param {Number} roll The roll value (supplied by an accelerometer)
   * @return {Number} tilt-compensated heading direction
  MagnetometerHMC5883.prototype.getTiltCompensatedHeading = function(pitch, roll) {

    pitch = pitch * DEG_TO_RAD;
    roll = roll * DEG_TO_RAD;

    //var xH = this._x * Math.cos(pitch) + this._z * Math.sin(pitch);
    //var yH = this._x * Math.sin(roll) * Math.sin(pitch) + this._y * Math.cos(roll) - this._z * Math.sin(roll) * Math.cos(pitch);
    //var zH = -this._x * Math.cos(roll) * Math.sin(pitch) + this._y * Math.sin(roll) + this._z * Math.cos(roll) * Math.cos(pitch);

    // algorithm from: Applications of Magnetoresistive Sensors in Navigation Systems
    // by Michael J. Caruso, Honeywell Inc.
    var xH = this._x * Math.cos(pitch) + this._y * Math.sin(roll) * Math.sin(pitch) - this._z * Math.cos(roll) * Math.sin(pitch);
    var yH = this._y * Math.cos(roll) + this._z * Math.sin(roll);

    return this.getHeading(xH, yH);


   * Start continuous reading of the sensor.
   * @method startReading
  MagnetometerHMC5883.prototype.startReading = function() {
    if (!this._isReading) {
      this._isReading = true;
      this.sendI2CRequest([I2CBase.READ_CONTINUOUS, this.address, DATAX0, 6]);

   * Stop continuous reading of the sensor.
   * @method stopReading
  MagnetometerHMC5883.prototype.stopReading = function() {
    this._isReading = false;
    this.sendI2CRequest([I2CBase.STOP_READING, this.address]);
    // set idle mode?
    //this.sendI2CRequest([I2CBase.WRITE, this.address, MODE, 0x03]);

   * Sends read request to magnetometer and updates magnetometer values.
   * @method update
  MagnetometerHMC5883.prototype.update = function() {
    if (this._isReading) {
    // read data: contents of X, Y, and Z registers
    this.sendI2CRequest([I2CBase.READ, this.address, DATAX0, NUM_BYTES]);

   * for debugging
   * @private
  MagnetometerHMC5883.prototype.debug = function(str) {
    if (this._debugMode) {

  // public static constants

   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.DEVICE_ID
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.DEVICE_ID = 0x1E;

   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_1
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_1 = 0;
   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_2
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_2 = 1;
   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_4
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_4 = 2;
   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_8
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.SAMPLES_8 = 3;

  /** 0.75 Hz
   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_0_75
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_0_75 = 0x00;
  /** 1.5 Hz
   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_1_5
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_1_5 = 0x01;
  /** 3 Hz
   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_3
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_3 = 0x02;
  /** 7.5 Hz
   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_7_5
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_7_5 = 0x03;
  /** 15 Hz
   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_15
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_15 = 0x04;
  /** 30 Hz
   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_30
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_30 = 0x05;
  /** 75 Hz
   * @property MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_75
   * @static
  MagnetometerHMC5883.HZ_75 = 0x06;

  // document events

   * The update event is dispatched when the compass heading is updated.
   * @type
   * @event update
   * @param {} target A reference to the MagnetometerHMC5883 object.

  return MagnetometerHMC5883;
